I sharpened my kitchen knives the other day. Usually after I do that, I'll cut myself on the now sharp as hell knife. And sure enough, I was cutting up potatoes for mashed potatoes tonight and cut my finger a tiny bit. No big deal, but then I remembered a post I did on cayenne pepper a while ago...
And immediately put some powdered cayenne into the cut. I thought it might sting like hell, but it didn't. Didn't hurt at all. And it did stop the bleeding!
I'm not sure I'd use it on a gushing cut femoral artery, but on any other cut or gash I certainly would. So now you know--cayenne will stop bleeding within a few minutes or less. Yipppeeee!
Black pepper works too, I've seen it work on a cut, I heard it helps the blood clot. Keep up the good work!!! :)
Hey Patricia, this has absolutely nuttin' to do with this message, I just nominated you to receive the Lemonade Stand Award, you can check it out here...
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